Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The little things that make me happy

You know you’re living in another culture when things you’ve never really thought of before suddenly take on new meaning. We’ve been making small changes to our house in the last few months that are finally starting to make a difference. A few weeks ago I bought a “duvet” (synthetic filled, but still nice and warm) and I have been reveling in my “marshmallow bed.” It’s been quite chilly here (think Spring in Saskatoon, but with no insulated housing and open windows), so I am now very warm and cozy at night. Yesterday our hallway light was fixed after a month and half of being broken so that we can now see ourselves in the mirror at the end of it. Today we had mosquito screens installed on all the windows so that our house will be significantly less buggy. And finally, a friend brought me ice cream on a stick after lunch while I was feverishly trying to finish a funding proposal.

A duvet, a hallway light, window screens, and ice cream. While at home these things might be afterthoughts (well, a good duvet wouldn’t be), here they have put a big smile on my face and make me feel contented.

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