Monday, November 12, 2007

Jacaranda Trees

I don't think we have these in Canada - not in Saskatoon, anyway.

They are so incredibly beautiful and smell amazing. They stay in bloom for months even though the flowers are always falling off. A pile of Jacaranda flowers on the ground can make even the most dirty, ugly road seem beautiful. There is one along the path where I walk to work and it is so nice to have a carpet of purple to pave my way every morning. The bees love them and will even look for pollen when the flower has fallen to ground. No one is selling Jacaranda honey that I know of, but it sounds like a good income-generating activity idea...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know --- so gorgeous. I pressed a bunch in a book and smuggled them back to Canada. Not the same, unfortunately, but a nice memento.

Love all your pictures and posts. Keep 'em coming!