Thursday, December 20, 2007

Nature in my front window

I saw one of the most incredible spectacles this morning out my front window. If not for a professional tour guide who happened to be here, I would have missed it altogether.

A mother eagle was teaching her babies to fly and hunt. We have a tree in the front of the house which is the territory of some crows and it is nature's baby time. Eagles apparently enjoy crow eggs as a tasty treat. The mother eagle was doing small circles around the tree and it was easy to see the fledgling copy her, but with less fluidity and clunky flapping. I could hear the crow angrily defending its space, but my guess is that the eagles probably scored at least one or two eggs.

It was certainly not something I'm likely to see out the window at home. Despite the urban surroundings, Arusha still has lots of wildlife and active nature.

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